MigraElements + MigraBasics + Melatonina ZNS Pierpaoli

MigraElements + MigraBasics + Melatonina ZNS Pierpaoli

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Melatonin Pierpaoli, MigraElements, MigraBasics - Genuine and natural products.


The only Melatonin produced according to specific indications and under the scientific control of Dr. Pierpaoli.

Innovative formula with Vitamin B2, B6, Selenium and Coenzyme Q10 
A valid support for the normal energy metabolism and the protection of the cells from oxidative stress. . 

Essential mix of natural elements to prevent migraine: feverfew, silverwillow and copper.

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€74.80 Save €25.00
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This pack contains

Melatonin Zn-Se Pierpaoli
Melatonin Zn-Se - Pierpaoli 1mg - 60 Tab- 1 Box
x 1
MigraElements: a natural product to reduce frequency and intensity of migraine symptoms
x 1
MigraBasics: exclusive formulation based on Coenzyme Q10, Vitamins and Selenium
MigraBasics: Coenzyme Q10, Vitamins E, B2, B6 for energy and mental vitality
x 1


The only Melatonin produced according to specific indications and under the scientific control of Dr. Pierpaoli.

Innovative formula with Vitamin B2, B6, Selenium and Coenzyme Q10 
A valid support for the normal energy metabolism and the protection of the cells from oxidative stress. . 

Essential mix of natural elements to prevent migraine: feverfew, silverwillow and copper.

Estimated Shipping Costs
Shipping Costs
Shipping Time
3 giorni lavorativi

Melatonin ZNS Dr. Pierpaoli

Melatonin Zinc-Selenium is a dietary supplement with melatonin, zinc and selenium that was developed with the intent of achieving a peak in the release of Melatonin during the night, which helps re-establish the nocturnal peak of melatonin.

Melatonin Zn-Se Dr.Pierpaoli:
• Rebalances hormonal, metabolic and immune functions;
• Protects the Pineal gland, maintaining its functions;
• Maintains youthful metabolic conditions;
• Synchronizes physiological cycles of the body;
• Helps in situations of fatigue and stress;
• Helps in deficient physiological conditions;
• Helps in resolving sleep-wake rhythms; •
Helps with jet-lag;

Melatonin is a simple natural synthesized molecule, in addition to the pineal gland, it can also be found in numerous other organs and tissues such as, for example, the retina, intestinal mucosa, in megakaryocytes and in platelets. Melatonin is omnipresent in nature: it has also been found in many plants, including many for food use. In humans it is mainly synthesized by the pineal gland, which regulates the synthesis and cyclic secretion of hormones in our organism and is responsible for the nocturnal peak of melatonin. The nocturnal melatonin peak initiates a sequence of effects that keep the body in sync with the physiological cyclicity of hormones and cells. It is during childhood that the production of Melatonin reaches its peak, then begins to gradually decrease and dwindle away until it disappears in old age.

Melatonin Night Peak
The uniqueness of Pierpaoli Melatonin Zinc-Selenium lies in that it has been developed with intent to achieve a peak release of melatonin between 1 and 3 a.m. comparable to that produced in the same time slot by the pineal gland during youth.

According to my research, by replicating the physiological nocturnal peak typical of youth, you are helping the pineal gland to regenerate and stay young and to produce molecules that regulate the entire hormonal system also called "neuroendocrine” system. It helps preserve the biological rhythms that control hormones and immunity, as well as circadian synchronization (physiological cyclicity) of the neuroendocrine system that regulates the body's natural metabolic and immunological functions. Result: it favors the normalization of all endocrine, immunological, and metabolic functions.

Why is 1 milligram enough?
Melatonin does not have a quantitative pharmacological value, as has been demonstrated in hundreds of scientific journals, but is only necessary to “rest” the pineal gland. The “physiological” (dose-dependent) effect of taking Melatonin is obtained within the range of physiological values of the endogenous plasma melatonin (50-200 pg / ml) with equal doses, in a young healthy adult, at 0.1-0.3 mg. It has been proven that doses of 0.3 - 0.5 mg are already effective and are able to perfectly imitate a youthful nocturnal peak. Administering 0.3 mg doses of Melatonin to adult males will result in blood levels close to physiological levels. A 0.3 mg dose of Melatonin is in fact sufficient to increase the level of Melatonin in blood about 120 picograms per milliliter, a level that corresponds to the nocturnal peak of melatonin in youth.

It should, however, be considered that individual needs may vary according to differences in metabolism. Precisely because everybody has a different intestinal absorption, I prudentially suggest taking 1 to 3 mg. There is no risk of overdose. Melatonin is water-soluble, and the excess quantity is eliminated by kidneys in the urine. During a clinical study, a daily dose of 6 grams (or 6,000 times higher than recommended) was given to some women for a long period of time without the appearance of any side effects. In fact, as we have said, a dose of 0.3 - 1.0 mg Melatonin Zinc-Selenium tablets is normally sufficient to return the nocturnal peak of melatonin to youthful levels and to saturate the organism during the night.

Epuphysis/Pineal Gland:

The pineal gland (or epiphysis), which regulates the synthesis and cyclical secretion of hormones in our body, Melatonin Plasma Levels Decline Rapidly with Ageproduces melatonin. As it ages, it produces increasingly less melatonin. During childhood, melatonin production reaches its maximum peak. It then begins to decline slowly: at about 45, there is a further drop and at around 80 the level of melatonin in the body of an otherwise healthy individual is less than half that of a young individual.

Hormones and all molecules in the body closely follow a day-night (circadian rhythms), sun-moon and seasons cycle (especially light and temperature). These cycles are the foundation of health. Aging is also due to the break in the synchronized relationship between circadian/seasonal and hormonal rhythms. This relationship is regulated by the structures of the nervous system forming the hypothalamic-pituitary-pineal brain circuit, which integrates and synchronizes the night-day cycles of the synthesis and secretion of all hormones. Aging in humans is, therefore, certainly linked to a genetic program, but the expression of this program is precisely the circadian periodicity of the hormone system.

In turn, day and night hormonal cycles and rhythms are closely controlled by the stimulation of the pineal gland, which integrates and sends back messages to the endocrine glands.

he pineal gland (or epiphysis), which regulates the synthesis and cyclical secretion of hormones in our body, Melatonin Plasma Levels Decline Rapidly with Ageproduces melatonin. As it ages, it produces increasingly less melatonin.

During childhood, melatonin production reaches its maximum peak. It then begins to decline slowly: at about 45, there is a further drop and at around 80 the level of melatonin in the body of an otherwise healthy individual is less than half that of a young individual. Levelling until the complete disappearance of the nocturnal melatonin peak, in addition to the constant reduction of zinc levels with aging, are tell-tale signals of the body's aging and of the decline of hormonal control over our essential functions, including sleep, strength, adaptation to temperatures, sexual vigor, resistance to infections and so forth.

It is, therefore, a matter of preventing this trend by administering a correct amount of melatonin to maintain a constant nocturnal peak typical of youth. By doing so, you are helping the pineal gland and, therefore, the entire body to recover that youthful condition that is essential to preserve the biological rhythms that control hormones and immunity, as well as circadian synchronization (physiological cyclicity) of the entire hormonal system that closely Normal Melatonin Peaksregulates natural metabolic and immunological functions. This favors, accordingly, the normalization of all immunological, metabolic and endocrine functions.

Since the pineal gland produces melatonin only at night, by taking the correct amount of melatonin at night (and obtaining the corresponding melatonin peak during the night), the pineal gland no longer needs to produce melatonin through a very complex synthesis process and "goes to rest”. This way, you can help to preserve and protect the functional integrity of the pineal gland and, therefore, restore all hormonal rhythms in addition to slowing down aging (which is certainly a clearly genetically programmed process in the brain, but which is expressed through hormonal regulation).

Why Zinc and Selenium?
Zinc and selenium are two molecules that cooperate and synergize with melatonin to regulate and resynchronize hormonal, metabolic and immune functions which are altered during aging. For instance, a number of studies and experiments have shown that zinc can help to redress immunodepression generated by aging and other hormonal and metabolic alterations typical of old age. Furthermore, with age, zinc is not absorbed enough through the bowels and is a certain indicator of aging (elderly people have very low zinc levels) and must, therefore, be supplemented to prevent alteration of immunity.

For this reason, in Pierpaoli Melatonin, the three fundamental anti-aging molecules (melatonin, zinc and selenium) are combined in a single synergistic blend, which is designed to achieve the maximum beneficial effect in the metabolic and immunobiological system of people who take it.

To assess the beneficial effects of Pierpaoli® Melatonin Zinc-Selenium, all you need is a normal blood test before you start taking it and then check again after 6 months or a year (in the absence of diseases, we recommend that you always measure FT3, FT4, TSH, prolactin and testosterone).

Melatonin, Zinc gluconate, Seleniomethionine and Mannitol

Instruction for use:
We recommend taking one tablet of Pierpaoli’s Melatonin Zinc-Selenium in the evening half an hour before going to sleep, and in any case preferably between 10 p.m. and midnight.

Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Supplements are not intended as a substitute for a varied, balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. Keep out of reach of children under three years of age, do not take while pregnant, keep at a temperature below 25° C and protect from light. Excessive use may cause laxative effects.

Safety considerations for Pierpaoli’s Melatonin Zinc-Selenium
(Source: http://www.pierpaoli.ch/ENG/Melatonin-Zn-Se-Pierpaoli-1ec45800)

In general
The use of Melatonin at the recommended doses is safe. Melatonin is generally well tolerated and has no side effects. No harmful or dangerous side effects have been identified in the 20 years during which tens of millions of people have taken Melatonin. Numerous scientific publications and studies confirm the safety and beneficial effects of Melatonin. Melatonin is practically free of contraindications and clinically relevant undesirable effects when taken according to instructions.

Pierpaoli’s Melatonin Zinc-Selenium does not create addiction or dependency. Stopping the administration of exogenous Melatonin, the pineal gland resumes synthesizing the endogenous molecule in physiological quantities.

For people taking medication before starting with Pierpaoli’s Melatonin-Zinc-Selenium, as more generally, with any other type of dietary supplement, we recommend consulting with your doctor. Although the pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic characteristics of Melatonin are theoretically modulated by other active substances, at the moment there are no known interactions that are of particular concern from a clinical viewpoint.

Special population groups
For precautionary purposes, we recommend that you always consult your doctor before taking Melatonin if you suffer from: severe hepatic impairment and rheumatoid arthritis, given that, to date, there is not a great number of clinical observations in patients, it is necessary to validate the studies that prove the beneficial effects of Melatonin in these categories of people. Given the lack of studies in this regard, taking Melatonin should be avoided during pregnancy and subsequently while breastfeeding. In the absence of specific disorders healthy children and adolescents, with a lifestyle that does not affect the biological circadian rhythms (sleep-wake) usually do not suffer from inhibitions of the endogenous production of Melatonin and, therefore, unless a different specialised assessment proves otherwise, do not need to take Melatonin.

Prolonged use The use of Melatonin has been demonstrated as being safe in the short and middle term (6-18 months), even at higher doses.
However, for precautionary purposes, we advise you to inform your doctor if you use it for prolonged periods.


1. JELLIN JM ET AL., EDS. Pharmacist’s letter/prescriber’s letter natural medici- nes comprehensive database.

2. HARTTER S ET AL. Increased bioavailability of oral melatonin after fluvoxami- ne coadministration. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2000; 67:1-6.

3. VON BAHR C ET AL. Fluvoxamine but not citalopram increases serum me- latonin in healthy subjects -- an indication that cytochrome P450 CYP1A2 and CYP2C19 hydroxylate melatonin. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2000; 56:123-7.

4. LUSARDI P ET AL. Cardiovascular effects of melatonin in hypertensive pa- tients well controlled by nifedipine: a 24-hour study. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2000; 49:423-7.

5. PIERPAOLI, W. AND REGELSON W. WITH CAROL COLMAN, “The Mela- tonin Miracle”, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1995.

6. PIERPAOLI, W. The pineal gland: a circadian or a seasonal aging clock? Aging 3: 99-101, 1991.

7. PIERPAOLI, W. DALL’ARA, A, PEDRINIS, E. AND REGELSON, W. The pineal control of aging. The effects of melatonin and pineal grafting on the survival of older mice.

8. Second Stromboli Conference on Aging and Cancer, June 1990. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 621: 291-313, 1991.

9. PIERPAOLI, W., AND LESNIKOV, V.A. The pineal aging clock. Evidence, mo- dels, mechanisms, interventions. The Aging Clock. Third Stromboli Conference on Agingand Cancer, June 1993. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 719: 461-473, 1994.

10. PIERPAOLI, W. AND REGELSON, W. Pineal control of aging: effect of mela- tonin and pineal grafting on aging mice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 94: 787-791, 1994.

11. MOCCHEGIANI, E., BULIAN, D., SANTARELLI, L., TIBALDI, A., MUZZIOLI, M., PIERPAOLI, W. AND FABRIS, N. The immuno-reconstituting effect of melato- nin or pineal grafting and its relation to zinc pool in aging mice. J. Neuroimmunol. 53: 189-201, 1994. Melatonina Zinco-Selenio Dr.Pierpaoli

12. MOCCHEGIANI, E., BULIAN, D., SANTARELLI, L., TIBALDI, A., MUZZIOLI, M., LESNIKOV, V., PIERPAOLI, W. AND FABRIS, N. The zinc pool is involved in the immunoreconstituting effect of melatonin in pinealectomized mice. J. Phar- mac. & Exp. Therap. 277: 1200-1208, 1996.

13. MOCCHEGIANI, E., BULIAN, D., SANTARELLI, L., TIBALDI, A., PIERPAOLI, W. AND FABRIS, N. The zinc-melatonin interrelationship. A working hypothesis. The Aging Clock.

14. Third Stromboli Conference on Aging and Cancer, June 1993. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 719: 298-307. 1994.

15. FABRIS, N. Neuroendocrine-immune aging: an integrative view on the role of zinc. The Aging Clock. Third Stromboli Conference on Aging and Cancer, June 1993.

16. ANN. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 719: 353-368, 1994.

17. MEISTER, A. AND ANDERSON, M.E. Glutathione. Ann. Rev. Biochem. 52: 711-760, 1983.

18. PIERPAOLI, W. AND LESNIKOV, V.A. Theoretical considerations on the na- ture of the pineal “aging clock”. Gerontology 43: 20-25, 1997.

19. BELLIPANNI, G., BIANCHI. P, PIERPAOLI, W., BULIAN, D. AND ILYIA, E. Effects of melatonin in perimenopausal and menopausal women. A randomized and placebo controlled study. Exp. Gerontol. 36, 297-310, 2001.

Supporto per il sistema nervoso

Supporto per il sistema nervoso

Metabolismo energetico!

Supporto per il sistema nervoso


FOOD SUPPLEMENT of Coenzyme Q10 and Vitamins B2, B6, Selenium and Vitamin E .

What is it?
MigraBasics is a food supplement of Coenzyme Q10 and vitamins B6 and B2 , which contribute to the normal functioning of the nervous system, normal energy metabolism and the reduction of tiredness and fatigue, Vitamin E and Selenium that contribute to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.

What does it contain?
MigraBasics contains:

- Coenzyme Q10 (also known as Vitamin Q or Ubiquinone)
- Vitamin B2
- Vitamin B6
- Vitamin E
- Selenium

The Coenzyme Q10 (Vitamin Q or Ubiquinone): plays a fundamental role in the process of oxidative phosphorylation at the mitochondrial level, in the metabolic-energy processes and in protection from oxidizing agents. It is a substance present in cellular tissues: a powerful antioxidant useful for: supporting normal energy metabolism stimulating normal anti-aging immune defenses: its concentration in tissues decreases in situations of stress, aging and physical exercise.

Group B vitamins, specifically:
the Vitamin B2 that contributes to the maintenance of normal skin, the protection of cells from oxidative stress and normal metabolism energy;
the Vitamin B6 which contributes to the normal metabolism of homocysteine, to normal protein and glycogen metabolism, to normal energy metabolism and to the regulation of hormonal activity;
Vitamin E contributes to the normal protection of cells from oxidative stress.

When is it indicated?

MigraBasics is a multi-nutrient formulation based on vitamins and minerals to support normal energy metabolism, normal performance mental and normal psychological function.
Very often some conditions such as:
• migraine;
• anxiety and stress;
• convalescence;
• rehabilitation states;
• organic wasting from chronic diseases;
• psychophysical stress due to increased work or study;
• increased physical activity;

They cause a generalized state of fatigue (feeling of tiredness) defined ASTENIA .

The presence of B vitamins such as B2 and B6 contributes to normal energy metabolism and to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue.
MigraBasics is a naturally gluten-free and naturally lactose-free product.

The Coenzyme Q10 (Vitamin Q or Ubiquinone) : plays a funamental role in the transport of the electrons involved in the complex process of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation.
Mitochondria are directly involved in metabolic-energy processes, cellular respiration and protection from oxidizing agents.
In particular, mitochondria are present in large numbers in sperm cells, where they supply the energy necessary for sperm motility and vitality.

Group B vitamins, specifically Vitamin B2 which contributes to the maintenance of normal skin, the protection of cells from oxidative stress and normal energy metabolism; Vitamin B6 which contributes to normal homocysteine metabolism, normal protein and glycogen metabolism, normal energy metabolism and regulation of hormonal activity; Vitamin B12 also contributes to normal energy metabolism and normal homocysteine metabolism, as well as to the process of cell division.

MigraBasics is also rich in Selenium and Zinc.
Selenium contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress and normal spermatogenesis. Zinc, an essential trace element, contributes to the maintenance of normal testosterone levels in the blood, to normal fertility and to normal reproduction.

We recommend taking 1-2 capsules a day. Store in a cool, dry place.

MigraBasics contains:

- Coenzyme Q10 (also known as Vitamin Q or Ubiquinone)
- Vitamin B2
- Vitamin B6
- Vitamin E
- Selenium

The Coenzyme Q10 (Vitamin Q or Ubiquinone): plays a fundamental role in the process of oxidative phosphorylation at the mitochondrial level, in the metabolic-energy processes and in protection from oxidizing agents. It is a substance present in cellular tissues: a powerful antioxidant useful for: supporting normal energy metabolism stimulating normal anti-aging immune defenses: its concentration in tissues decreases in situations of stress, aging and physical exercise.

Group B vitamins, specifically:
Vitamin B2 that contributes to the maintenance of normal skin, the protection of cells from oxidative stress and normal metabolism energy;

Vitamin B6
which contributes to the normal metabolism of homocysteine, to normal protein and glycogen metabolism, to normal energy metabolism and to the regulation of hormonal activity;

Vitamin E
contributes to the normal protection of cells from oxidative stress.


100% Natural supplement based on dry extracts of FEVERFEW and SILVERWILLOW.
It contains secondary plant materials and copper.
A 100% natural remedy for Migraine.

MigraElements is an exclusive formula based on Feverfew, Silverwillow and Copper

Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium L.) (Asteraceae) is a medicinal plant traditionally used for the treatment of fevers, migraine headaches, rheumatoid arthritis, stomach aches, toothaches, insect bites, infertility, and problems with menstruation and labor during childbirth.
The feverfew herb has a long history of use in traditional and folk medicine, especially among Greek and early European herbalists. Feverfew has also been used for psoriasis, allergies, asthma, tinnitus, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting.
The plant contains a large number of natural products, but the active principles probably include one or more of the sesquiterpene lactones known to be present, including parthenolide.
MigraElements contains best quality available of feverfew.
Other potentially active constituents include flavonoid glycosides and pinenes.
It has multiple pharmacologic properties, such as anti-inflammatory, cardiotonic, antispasmodic, an emmenagogue, and as an enema for worms. In this review, we have explored the various dimensions of the feverfew plant and compiled its vast pharmacologic applications to comprehend and synthesize the subject of its potential image of multipurpose medicinal agent.
The plant is widely cultivated to large regions of the world and its importance as a medicinal plant is growing substantially with increasing and stronger reports in support of its multifarious therapeutic uses.

Silverwillow (Salix Alba) has long been used in Europe and China for the attempted treatment of these conditions.
This remedy is also mentioned in texts from ancient Egypt, Sumer, and Assyria.
The first "clinical trial" was reported by Reverend Edward Stone, a vicar from Chipping Norton in Oxfordshire, England, in 1763 with a successful treatment of malarial fever with the willow bark.
The bark is often macerated in ethanol to produce a tincture.
The active extract of the bark, called salicin, after the Latin name Salix, was isolated to its crystalline form in 1828 by Henri Leroux, a French pharmacist, and Raffaele Piria, an Italian chemist, who then succeeded in separating out the acid in its pure state.
Salicylic acid, like aspirin, is a chemical derivative of salicin.


The medical boards and guidelines consider migraine as an unhealable neurologic disease with genetic causes.

Contrary to this instructive opinion, a lot of therapists, are reporting therapy success with complementary approaches to this disease.

Dr. med. Ulrich Selz, a German expert of migraine, says that nearly every patient with migraine can improve with some diagnostics and therapeutical basics in addition to the common approach to just give pain medication.

He found out, that the treatment of the hormone system, of heavy metals, of the dysbiosis of the intestines or the change of the diet can have tremendous improvements of the strength and the frequency of the headache.
Spending some years in a specialized clinic for migraine patients, Dr. Selz felt helpless in treating patients with complicated migraines.
He learned, that just following the guidelines is not the best approach to understand causes of migraines.

Because the main focus of guidelines are treating the pain, I had to search for another solution to explore the reasons.”, so Dr. Selz.

“When I started to treat my first migraine patients in our clinic, I was very surprised, that a lot of patients were not happy with standard therapy with painkillers. They did it for a few years, and took the pain medication. But when the years are passing by and the patients get older, nearly everybody asks himself, if the longtime intake of painkillers is harmless.

That’s the point, when people are beginning to search opportunities for additional therapy approaches.

It was very hard to realise, that I also was a doctor, who only could prescribe pain killers. At this point of time, I couldn’t imagine, that I once would find clear patterns and reasons to treat migraine.”, Dr. Selz says. He found out that in other medical systems, such as the traditional Chinese medicine, the diagnosis migraine is actually not existing. Even more: He learned, that in this part of the world, the doctors are always searching for causes for migraine.
In the traditional chinese medicine system, a cause for migraine could be a liver weakness, for example. Dr. med. U. Selz combined the knowledge of the traditional Chinese medicine with the upcoming, new technologies in laboratory medicine.
In every patient he analyzed the functionality of the metabolism with the newest and most sophisticated laboratory investigations. The findings were surprising. Nearly every patient with migraine had blood parameters, which were out of the normal range.

But even more: Dr. Selz found, that mostly always the same organ systems showed a weakness or even a failure in migraine patients. Over the years he studied the contexts between his laboratory results and the conditions of the patients. He developed his migraine protocols and defined eight different types of migraine causes.

He named them “8 migraine types” and developed a protocol for each single type. For example: As far as many woman suffer from hormonal migraine, one of the most important findings of Dr. Selz is the role of the hormone progesterone. A deficiency of progesterone and the connection of the hormonal system to the intoxication with heavy metals, opended his eyes.
When you analyze the weakest parts of the body and treat them consequently, then nearly every patient with migraine makes improvements.”, Dr. Selz says. In his eyes, one of the most misunderstandings is the early prescription of the birth control pill in early years. “Mostly the doctors consider the birth control pill as a good solution for many girls, when the migraine starts at the teenager age. Often this is finally successful, but in the background a real severe hormonal problem can be develope.
The ovarial function has not to be suppressed, because it is weak anyhow – it has to be strengthened! The most migraines in the teenager age can be controlled by giving herbal medicine and the avoidance of chemical contraception.”

Where does migraine come from?

Migraines are severe, recurring, and painful headaches. They can be preceded or accompanied by sensory warning signs and other symptoms. The extreme pain that migraines cause can last for hours or even days. According to the American Migraine Association, they affect 36 million Americans, or approximately 12 percent of the population. Migraines can follow an aura of sensory disturbances followed by a severe headache that often appears on one side of the head. They tend to affect people aged 15 to 55 years. Fast facts on migraines: Some people who experience migraines can clearly identify triggers or factors that cause the headaches, such as allergies, light, and stress. Some people get a warning symptom before the start of the migraine headache. Many people with migraine can prevent a full-blown attack by recognizing and acting upon the warning signs. Over-the-counter (OTC) medications can eliminate or reduce pain, and specific medications can help some people with migraine. People who have severe attacks can take preventive medicines. Triggers The cause of migraines is not yet known. It is suspected that they result from abnormal activity in the brain. This can affect the way nerves communicate as well as the chemicals and blood vessels in the brain. Genetics may make someone more sensitive to the triggers that can cause migraines. However, the following triggers are likely to set off migraines: Hormonal changes: Women may experience migraine symptoms during menstruation, due to changing hormone levels. Emotional triggers: Stress, depression, anxiety, excitement, and shock can trigger a migraine. Physical causes: Tiredness and insufficient sleep, shoulder or neck tension, poor posture, and physical overexertion have all been linked to migraines. Low blood sugar and jet lag can also act as triggers. Triggers in the diet: Alcohol and caffeine can contribute to triggering migraines. Some specific foods can also have this effect, including chocolate, cheese, citrus fruits, and foods containing the additive tyramine. Irregular mealtimes and dehydration have also been named as potential triggers. Medications: Some sleeping pills, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) medications, and the combined contraceptive pill have all been named as possible triggers. Triggers in the environment: Flickering screens, strong smells, second-hand smoke, and loud noises can set off a migraine. Stuffy rooms, temperature changes, and bright lights are also possible triggers.

What is migraine?
In a broad sense, migraine is a headache.
It is a condition marked by recurring moderate to severe headache with throbbing pain that usually lasts from four hours to three days, typically begins on one side of the head but may spread to both sides, is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light or sound, and is sometimes preceded by an aura and is often followed by fatigue.

Medical guidelines definition of Migraine:

"Migraine is relatively easy to define in clinical terms. One is said to have migraine if within his/her lifetime there have occurred 5 or more attacks of unprovoked headache lasting 4-72 hours, severe enough to markedly restrict or even prohibit routine daily activity and accompanied by nausea or light/ sound sensitivity. Note that the clinical definition of migraine does not require the headache to be pulsatile (“throbbing”) or lateralized to one side of the head: although such features are common in migraine, they are far from invariable. Nor does the diagnosis of migraine require the occurrence of aura symptoms, visual or otherwise; only 20-25% of migraineurs ever experience aura, and in that minority who do there are relatively few who experience aura with each and every attack. Finally, the headache of migraine need not be intense or disabling on every occasion; some migraine attacks may involve no headache whatsoever (aura without headache), and many attacks may involve headache that is mild in intensity and more reminiscent of tension type headache than what one typically associates with migraine."

A NEW APPROACH - INTERVIEW WITH THE GERMAN EXPERT Dr.med. Ulrich Selz The medical boards and guidelines consider migraine as an unhealable neurologic disease with genetic causes. Contrary to this instructive opinion, a lot of therapists, are reporting therapy success with complementary approaches to this disease. Dr. med. Ulrich Selz, a German expert of migraine, says that nearly every patient with migraine can improve with some diagnostics and therapeutical basics in addition to the common approach to just give pain medication. He found out, that the treatment of the hormone system, of heavy metals, of the dysbiosis of the intestines or the change of the diet can have tremendous improvements of the strength and the frequency of the headache. Spending some years in a specialized clinic for migraine patients, Dr. Selz felt helpless in treating patients with complicated migraines. He learned, that just following the guidelines is not the best approach to understand causes of migraines. “Because the main focus of guidelines are treating the pain, I had to search for another solution to explore the reasons.”, so Dr. Selz. “When I started to treat my first migraine patients in our clinic, I was very surprised, that a lot of patients were not happy with standard therapy with painkillers. They did it for a few years, and took the pain medication. But when the years are passing by and the patients get older, nearly everybody asks himself, if the longtime intake of painkillers ist harmless. That’s the point, when people are beginning to search opportunities for additional therapy approaches. It was very hard to realise, that I also was a doctor, who only could prescribe pain killers. At this point of time, I couldn’t imagine, that I once would find clear patterns and reasons to treat migraine.”, Dr. Selz says. He found out that in other medical systems, such as the traditional Chinese medicine, the diagnosis migraine is actually not existing. Even more: He learned, that in this part of the world, the doctors are always searching for causes for migraine. In the traditional chinese medicine system, a cause for migraine could be a liver weakness, for example. Dr. med. U. Selz combined the knowledge of the traditional Chinese medicine with the upcoming, new technologies in laboratory medicine. In every patient he analyzed the functionality of the metabolism with the newest and most sophisticated laboratory investigations. The findings were surprising. Nearly every patient with migraine had blood parameters, which were out of the normal range. But even more: Dr. Selz found, that mostly always the same organ systems showed a weakness or even a failure in migraine patients. Over the years he studied the contexts between his laboratory results and the conditions of the patients. He developed his migraine protocols and defined eight different types of migraine causes. He named them “8 migraine types” and developed a protocol for each single type. For example: As far as many woman suffer from hormonal migraine, one of the most important findings of Dr. Selz is the role of the hormone progesterone. A deficiency of progesterone and the connection of the hormonal system to the intoxication with heavy metals, opended his eyes. “When you analyze the weakest parts of the body and treat them consequently, then nearly every patient with migraine makes im-provements.”, Dr. Selz says. In his eyes, one of the most misunderstandings is the early prescription of the birth control pill in early years. “Mostly the doctors consider the birth control pill as a good solution for many girls, when the migraine starts at the teenager age. Often this is finally successful, but in the background a real severe hormonal problem can be develope. The ovarial function has not to be suppressed, because it is weak anyhow – it has to be strengthened! The most migraines in the teenager age can be controlled by giving herbal medicine and the avoidance of chemical contraception.” Intestine as second brain! Another example is the functionality of the intestine. If enzymes and special sorts of bacteria are missing, a lot of toxins will be produced in the gut. The toxins will be resorbed in the blood vessels and the reaction of the body is the contraction of the blood vessels. This leads to migraine, of there is an tendency to easy get an headache. If nobody investigates these important metabolic connections, they stay unrecognized for the hole life. A classical “migraine carrer” is coming up. In his experience, a lot of patients prefer to avoid painkillers because of side effects -even when the painkillers help. "The longer the disease is present, the more the patients are interested in a causal solution finding an causal therapy options.”, so Dr. Selz. “As long as I was very specific with my division into 8 different migraine types, my biggest dream was to find a generally effective biological medicine against the pain.” To find that alternative, Dr. Selz reviewed a lot of studies with supplements and herbal medicine. He found out, that the combination of Feverfew and Salix Alba is investigated very well by a lot of studies. He was wondering, why this kind of therapy was not wildly held and more popular. In Great Britain, the use of Feverfew is a very traditional recipe for treating migraines. Embedded in his whole therapy concept, Dr. Selz defined a recipe for a herbal supplement with Feverfew and Salix Alba. So our laboratory combined the best raw material available with Dr. Selz medical experiences and develope MigraElements formula. Even more: there are a lot of studies with vitamins and minerals. But Dr. Selz found out, that often the dosage is too high for a permanent use. That's why he investigated a second formula with vitamin B2, B6, E, selenium and coenzyme Q10. "All in all, I am very happy to have two more options which are based on scientific studies. It is a good complement to the official guidelines for migraine therapy".

The 8 TYPES of migraine

The eight types of migraine are part of a methodology that classifies the most common cause-effect relationships that trigger migraine.
Most people who suffer of migraine in many cases have never seriously considered the possibility of investigating their disorder with a new perspective.

The EIGHT TYPES OF MIGRAINE are therefore an additional classification of diagnostic categories also useful for stimulation and help for patients and therapists who want to investigate migraines from a new perspective.
Below the type classification ordered according to the origin / cause:

1) The INTESTINAL type

The digestive process is a very complex process with different interdependencies on the organism's organic functions.
It is possible that headaches and neck pains originate in the intestine, and therefore it is possible to support the body with particular attention to all the factors that influence intestinal activity.
Intestine, the second brain: during digestion, the microbial flora releases a series of substances used in the brain tissue: fundamental neurotransmitters such as serotonin and histamine. The analytical study of blood and biological values in patients suffering from migraine is of fundamental importance: in fact recent studies have shown that low levels of cerebral serotonin are strongly associated with migraine, and this is why we often prescribe drugs that fall into the category of triptans. Triptans are molecules very similar to serotonin, so their intake reproduces in the brain an optimal condition, reducing inflammation and therefore pain: unfortunately these are drugs with heavy side effects when used in the medium to long term. Histamine is equally important as patients with headaches have a higher concentration of this substance. The connection between migraine and intestinal activity: the two molecules just mentioned, are derived from the digestion of food at the intestinal level, thanks to the digestive action of microbial flora. If your gut is not working well, it is likely that your microbial flora does not have an adequate composition; involves a high risk of a direct alteration in the production of serotonin and histamine which may be among the triggers of a migraine attack.

2) The HORMONAL type

This category concerns in particular the female sex. Women suffering from migraines normally experience migraine attacks in the days immediately before the onset of the menstrual cycle, during the week of the cycle and for 2/3 days after the end of menstruation. Hormonal changes are obvious triggers of migraine and menstruation lead to regular hormonal fluctuations. Although the connection between the migraine crisis and the onset of the menstrual cycle is very evident, the effect of the hormonal imbalances must be investigated in depth. Often to identify and determine these imbalances it is necessary to perform specific blood tests to assess the subjective situation and to evaluate with the specialist doctor the need for balancing.
A valid natural support for the woman in PRE-MENOPAUSE or MENOPAUSE can be a specific mixture of bio-identical hormones.

3) The LIVER type

One of the main functions of the liver is to purify the blood of toxins. Every day the liver of a man in adulthood is crossed by about 2000 liters of blood. A high concentration of heavy metals and / or toxins of various kinds in the blood can cause a strong stress on the liver in the medium to long term, leading to a reduction in function with consequent damage to its endocrine and exocrine function. This could also directly and indirectly affect the other organs involved in vascular regulation. An accumulation of heavy metals can therefore be responsible for a deficit in the spontaneous detoxification mechanisms put in place by the human body with the risk of generating health problems including migraines Heavy metals play a special role in migraine. Their accumulation in the body blocks the natural detoxification mechanisms, which can lead to serious health problems - including migraines.


Sugar, of which the food industry often induces excessive consumption and abuse, directly affects the glycemic level. It is essential to maintain a balanced level of blood glucose concentration. Glucose is the essential nutrient for all cells that take it directly from the It is obvious that people who take carbohydrates several times a day are hypoglycemic. In this case too an interdisciplinary approach is fundamental: sport, diet and a healthy lifestyle are however the fundamental basis for a path of conscious health.

5) The HYTAMINIC type

This type of migraine is very common and is triggered by the high presence of histamine and tyramine. Histamine is a nitrogenous compound involved in the digestive mechanisms, in particular it originates by decarboxylation of the amino acid L-histidine, through a catalyzed reaction of the enzyme histinine decarboxylase. In this case the migraine attack is an immediate consequence of nutrition. Histamine is in fact widely used in the food industry in order to prolong food conservation over time. In general, there is little information regarding the effects of histamine, in fact, most of the European population considers histamine solely responsible for seasonal allergic reactions.


It is known that there is a direct relationship between stress and headaches: it is a constant pain, almost like a rubber band (or tensile muscle) that presses s. For some time, it has been known that migraine and stress inevitably belong together. Many patients suffer an attack during a stressful period. Others get them in the recovery phase; typically on weekends. But what is stress? How can you measure it? How do you manage it? How can you reduce it? Now you can measure stress with lab tests. It has been shown that therapies to reduce stress have a positive effect on migraine. But it is worth taking a step forward and not only addressing the stress response in the mental field, but also reducing it to the physical level. For this you can use some supplements.


In TCM, the most common area of migraine pain is the head of the gallbladder meridian. The gall bladder plays a special role in migraine. The thickening of the gall bladder secretion can lead to bile blockage. This causes head pain because the gall bladder maintains nerve and fascial connections to the head. An adapted nutritional concept and an adjunct therapy of the hormone system give you the chance to treat the cause of gallbladder disorders.

8) The METABOLIC type

If several physical weaknesses work together, it can lead to metabolic disorders. This complicates the patient's health situation, because the search for the first cause is made more difficult. The sum of metabolic interruptions can trigger violent migraine attacks. The correction of these conditions is medically demanding and takes longer than the other types of migraines.


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INGREDIENTS: Feverfew e.s. (Tanacetum parthenium L. SCH BIP: grass with flowers, 0.5% partenolides), Willow e.s. (Salix alba L .: bark, 30% salicin), anti-caking agents: silicon dioxide and magnesium salts of fatty acids;
Copper gluconate; bulking agent: microcrystalline cellulose;

USE & DOSAGE: Take 1 tablet per day with a glass of water.

Supplement Facts per 1 tab
Tanacetum parthenium 300 mg
Willow e.s. 300 mg
which salicin 90 mg
Copper 1 mg

*Recommended Daily Allowance

WARNING: Keep product in a cool, dry place, and protected from light.

The expiry date applies if product is properly stored and its package is not damaged.
Do not exceed recommended daily dosage. Keep out of the reach of children.
Do not take in case of individual hypersensitivity or allergy to one or more components.
Do not take during pregnancy.
Dietary supplements should not be used as a substitute of a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

NET WEIGHT: 60 g (60 tablets)

MLT01 + MGE01 + MGB01

Data sheet

Melatonina ZN+SE


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