PACK 2 ProVision + 2 Formulα KKS Algα ε

PACK 2 ProVision + 2 Formulα KKS Algα ε

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2-ProVision® Pierpaoli + 2-Formula KKS Alga

original products of Dr. Pierpaoli

2  Boxes PROVISION® 
Innovative formulation of Dr. Pierpaoli, a useful supplement to prevent eye diseases, one of the unpleasant effects of aging.

2 Boxes Formula KKS Alga ε®
Essential mix that acts on the stimulation of metabolism on lipid metabolism with action of support and restorative.

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€104.00 Save €19.00
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This pack contains

ProVision® Pierpaoli
ProVision Pierpaoli - 60 Tabs - 01 Box
x 2
Formula KKS ALGA Pierpaoli
Formulα KKS Algα ε Dr.Pierpaoli - 60 Tabs - 1 Box
x 2

original products of Dr. Pierpaoli

2  Boxes PROVISION® 
Innovative formulation of Dr. Pierpaoli, a useful supplement to prevent eye diseases, one of the unpleasant effects of aging.

2 Boxes Formula KKS Alga ε®
Essential mix that acts on the stimulation of metabolism on lipid metabolism with action of support and restorative.

Estimated Shipping Costs
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3 giorni lavorativi

ProVision® Dr. Pierpaoli

ProVision® is an innovative formulation created to preserve eyesight. Food supplement with dry extract of Maqui and Blueberry, Zinc, Selenium, Vitamins E and A, Astaxanthin, Lutein and Melatonin.
ProVision® has been formulated to cover metabolic and oxidative needs of the eyes in general and of the retina in particular and has been developed based on a clinical trial.

Blueberry is beneficial for the well-being of eyesight; Maqui and Haematococcus pluvialis (Astaxanthin) for their antioxidant function; Zinc and Vitamin A contribute to maintaining normal eyesight; Selenium, Zinc, Maqui and Vitamin E protect cells from oxidative stress.

Average values per daily dose (1 tablet):
Zinc 8.74 mg (NRV 87.4%) dry extract titrated Blueberry fruits 15% anthocyanidins 50 mg – count of anthocyanidins 7.5 mg, Lutein 5 mg, Vitamin E 12 mg (NRV 100%), Astaxanthin 1 mg, Selenium 50 mcg (NRV 90.9%), Vitamin A 0.8 mg (100% NRV), Melatonin 1 mg.

General indications
• Beneficial for a healthy eyesight;
• Contributes to preserving eyesight;
• Contributes to protecting against oxidative stress;
• Helps to supplement the nutritional needs of the visual apparatus (retina, macula and crystalline);
• Helps to keep the visual apparatus in good conditions;
• Improves issues linked to visual fatigue.
• Moreover, ProVision® provides precious help to all people experiencing age-related macular degeneration.

The extensive use of computers, television, videogames and permanent artificial lights for hours every day, along with low humidity at home and in office, greatly stress and strain our eyes. In particular they “wear out” and “use up” the visual cells of the retina, which are “thirsty” for oxygen and minerals. Additionally, when they are stressed by an intense and variable light of changing wavelength (for example in discotheques), they tend to degenerate.

ProVision® and macular degeneration of the retina
Age-related macular degeneration of the retina (AMD) is a pathology that affects the macula (the centermost part of the retina). Today, it is considered to be the main cause of the loss of central vision (blindness) and, in industrialized countries, it is one of the leading causes of loss of visual acuity in subjects over 50.
The dry form is the more widespread (85% of patients) than the wet form (15%). Those affected present decreased vision in the central area of the visual field and/or a deformation of images. AMD progresses gradually and can lead to complete and irreversible loss of central vision (complete blindness is nonetheless rare).

The benefits of integration with ProVision® according the study
- Contributes to the control of eye pigmentation by regulating the light that reaches the photoreceptors
- Contributes to the elimination of toxic hydroxy-radicals
- Contributes to the protection of the retinal epithelium against oxidative damage
- Restores circadian rhythms
- Helps rebalance the neuroendocrine system
- Has excellent tolerance and easy oral administration

A tablet half an hour before going to bed, preferably between 10:00 pm - 12:00 am.

Instructions for use:
We recommend taking one tablet of Pierpaoli’s ProVision in the evening half an hour before going to sleep, and in any case preferably between 10 p.m. and midnight.

Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Supplements are not intended as a substitute for a varied, balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. Keep out of reach of children under three years of age, do not take while pregnant, keep at a temperature below 25° C and protect from light.

Considerations of the safety of ProVision

In general
The use of the active ingredients in ProVision at recommended doses has been proven to be safe. Numerous scientific publications and studies confirm the safety and beneficial effects of the physiologically active substances contained in ProVision.

For people that take medications before starting the integration with Pierpaoli’s ProVision, as more generally, with any other type of dietary supplement, we recommend consulting with your doctor. Although the pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic characteristics of the active physiological substances contained in ProVision are theoretically modulated by other active ingredients, currently, there are no known interactions that are of particular concern from a clinical viewpoint.

Special population groups
For precautionary purposes, we recommend that you always consult your doctor before taking ProVision if you suffer from: severe hepatic impairment and rheumatoid arthritis, given that, to date, there is not a great number of clinical observations in patients, it is necessary to validate the studies that prove the beneficial effects of ProVision in these categories of people. Given the lack of studies in this regard, taking ProVision should be avoided during pregnancy and subsequently while breastfeeding. In the absence of specific disorders, children and adolescents, unless a different specialised assessment proves otherwise, do not need to integrate ProVision.

Prolonged use
The use of the physiologically active ingredients contained in ProVision, at recommended doses, has been proven to be safe in the short and middle term (6-18 months). However, for precautionary purposes, we advise you to inform your doctor if you use it for prolonged periods.


1. Hussein G et al. Astaxanthin, a carotenoid with potential in human health and nutrition. J Nat Prod. 2006 Mar;69(3):443-9. Review.

2. Stahl W. Macular carotenoids: lutein and zeaxanthin. Dev Ophthalmol. 2005;38:70-88. Review.

3. Dwyer JH, Paul-Labrador MJ, Fan J, Shircore AM, Merz CN, Dwyer KM. Progression of carotid intima-media thickness and plasma antioxidants: the Los Angeles Atherosclerosis Study. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2004 Feb;24(2):313-9.

4. Ribaya-Mercado JD, Blumberg JB. Lutein and zeaxanthin and their potential roles in disease prevention. J Am Coll Nutr. 2004 Dec;23(6 Suppl):567S-587S. Review.

5. Richer S, Stiles W, Statkute L, Pulido J, Frankowski J, Rudy D, Pei K, Tsipursky M, Nyland J . Double-masked, placebo-controlled, randomized trial of lutein and antioxidant supplementation in the intervention of atrophic age-related macular degeneration: the Veterans LAST study (Lutein Antioxidant Supplementation Trial). Optometry. 2004 Apr;75(4):216-30.

6. PANG, S.F. & D.T. YEW. 1979. Pigment aggregation by melatonin in the retinal pigment epithelium and choroid of guinea pigs cavia porcellus. Experientia 35: 213 – 233.

7. Hartmann D, Thurmann PA, Spitzer V, Schalch W, Manner B, Cohn W. Plasma kinetics of zeaxanthin and 3'-dehydro-lutein after multiple oral doses of synthetic zeaxanthin. Am J Clin Nutr. 2004 Mar;79(3):410-7.

8. LIANG, F.Q., L. GREEN, C. WANG, et al. 2004. Melatonin protects human retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells against oxidative stress. Exp. Eye Res. 78: 1069 – 1075.

9. Stringham JM, Hammond BR Jr. Dietary lutein and zeaxanthin: possible effects on visual function. Nutr Rev. 2005 Feb;63(2):59-64. Review.

10. TOUITOU, Y., P. LE HOANG, B. CLAUSTRAT, et al. 1986. Decreased nocturnal plasma melatonin peak in patients with a functional alteration of the retina in relation with uveitis. 70: 170 – 174.

11. PIERPAOLI, W., A. DALL’ARA & E. PEDRINIS. 1991. The pineal control of aging: the effects of melatonin and pineal grafting on the survival of old mice. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 620: 291 – 313.

12. SCHER, J., E.WANKIEWICZ, G.M.BROWN, et al. 2003. AII amacrine cells express the MT1 melatonin receptor in human and macaque retina. Exp. Eye Res. 77: 375 – 382.

Formula KKS Algaε® Dr. Pierpaoli (Sea weeds)

Algae Klamath, Kombu and Spirulina food supplement with Alfalfa (Medicago Sativa). Essential mix that acts on the stimulation of metabolism on the metabolism of lipids with supportive and restorative actions.

The KKS Algae Formula is specifically formulated to contain appropriate percentages of Klamath, Kombu and Spirulina algae, as well as alfalfa to supply the body with balanced doses of precious minerals.

Supplementation with the Algae KKS Formula is indicated:
• to favor endocrine stimulation;
• to support thyroid function;
• to support oxidative processes and increased basal metabolism;
• beneficial for maintaining a good mood;
• beneficial for metabolising lipids;
• beneficial for stimulating metabolism;

Average values per daily dose (2 tablets):
Klamath Algae 600 mg, Alfalfa 300 mg, Kombu Algae 200 mg, Spirulina 200 mg.

Thanks to the rich content of organic iodine in its algae, it stimulates enzymatic activity and thyroid function (including the synthesis of thyroid hormones T3 and T4). And since the thyroid controls metabolism, it actively increases basal metabolism.
One very important aspect of the KKS Algae Formula is its chelating action on heavy metals present in the body, since the algae it contains are capable of capturing, binding and eliminating extremely toxic elements, such as mercury, lead and cadmium, in the form of aggregates.

The importance of minerals:
Minerals—which algae are rich of—are an essential part of 'enzymes', or proteins which act as a vehicle for the synthesis of any type of molecule. Zinc, for example, is an essential part of more than 200 enzymes. And if an individual does not age well, zinc is lost every day. Our studies confirm that the alteration of our biological clock leads to a progressive loss and alteration of the endo- and extra-cellular concentration of several minerals. This loss and imbalance is due to hormonal desynchronization which leads to huge changes in the cell membrane, the element that ‘filters’, accumulates, loses or retains minerals: if this membrane suffers changes, the cell is no longer able to eliminate or retain essential minerals, such as potassium, calcium, sodium and zinc. Therefore, without a balanced preservation of essential minerals, the cell ‘goes berserk’, ages and dies.

How can you maintain the electrolytic balance of minerals inside and outside the cell? And how can you provide the body with the minerals needed to make thousands of enzymes work? A good help lies in this original KKS Algae Formula

is a unicellular microalgae of green-blue color (due to the presence of phycocyanin) that grows in alkaline waters. Called "food of the future,” it contains a large amount of nutrients. It contains more than 65% proteins (vegetable) which can be easily assimilated, carotenoids, including vitamin A, all group B vitamins, vitamin E, mineral salts, trace elements, enzymes, antioxidants and fatty acids which are essential for the body. The most ancient in evolutionary terms, it has been known since the times of the Aztec warriors who would eat it to stay physically strong and maintain resistance to fatigue.

is a seaweed of dark brown color, rich in iodine, phosphorus, potassium, glutamic and alginic acid, vitamin A, B1, B2, C and fibers. It supplies iodine, a mineral of which it is particularly rich. It has been determined that the world population (excluding certain populations of Japan and a few other nations) suffers from a severe shortage of this mineral without which the thyroid gland cannot work.

is an algae that lives in the volcanic lake of the same name in Oregon (USA). It has a high nutritional profile, as it contains over 30 minerals and trace elements essential to health and 12 vitamins, including all those of group B and the important and a high concentration of the rare vitamin B12. It also contains a variety of molecules and pigments, essential amino acids, proteins, fatty acids and other elements necessary for the body.

Alfalfa (Medicago sativa)
it has been known to give energy to animals that feed on it, since ancient time, including Arabian horses. It is taken as a source of proteins, vitamins, enzymes and mineral salts. In agriculture, thanks its deep roots, it is able to bring precious minerals to the surface that enrich soil at the surface, as in the case of corn crops.

It is recommended to take 2 tablets a day, between meals.

Instructions for use
It is recommended to take two tablets daily on empty stomach.

Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Supplements are not intended as a substitute for a varied, balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. Keep out of reach of children under three years of age, do not take while pregnant, keep at a temperature below 25° C and protect from light.

Considerations on the safety of KKS Algae

In general
Use of KKS Algae Formula at the recommended doses is safe.

Special population groups
For precautionary purposes, we recommend that you always consult your doctor before taking KKS Algae Formula during pregnancy and subsequently while breastfeeding.

For people taking medication before starting with Pierpaoli’s KKS Algae Formula, as more generally, with any other type of dietary supplement, we recommend consulting with your doctor.

Prolonged use
For precautionary purposes, we advise you to inform your doctor if you use it for prolonged periods.

PRV02 + ALG02

Data sheet

Fromula KKS Algae


Pro Vision Dr.Pierpaoli

Pro Vision Dr.Pierpaoli

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Formula KKS Dr.Pierpaoli

Formula KKS Dr.Pierpaoli

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